The best way to cleanse your liver naturally?

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Why is liver health important?

Consider a cloth that you use daily cleaning, if it is overloaded with dirt at some point it would need a cleanse to work effectively similarly liver is our detoxifying organ in the body that converts toxins in to waste materials which then gets eliminated through different channels

(for example, stool, urine, sweat)

So if the liver function gets compromised toxins gets accumulated which then become reasons for various acute and chronic health problems like Hemochromatosis, Hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cancer.

Are liver “cleanses” necessary?

The liver is a workhouse. It’s our body’s primary filtration system—it converts toxins into waste products, cleanses our blood, metabolizes a wide range of compounds (from nutrients and alcohol to medications), and produces proteins and bile. And while a healthy liver naturally cleanses itself, dietary stressors and environmental and toxins can get in the way of optimal liver function.

How the Liver Works in the Body?

The liver is a vital organ that serves a multitude of functions. It cleans the blood of toxins and poisons, synthesizes proteins, stores energy, creates cholesterol, processes hemoglobin, aides the immune system, and helps with digestion.

This small, three-pound organ wears many hats and works constantly to keep us healthy. Functions of the liver include:

  • Cleans the blood of toxins and poisons
  • Synthesizes proteins
  • Stores energy
  • Creates cholesterol
  • Processes haemoglobin
  • Aids the immune system
  • Helps digestion

How do we know that our liver function is compromised?

Liver disease symptoms

The liver is an organ that performs over 500 functions in our body including the production of bile for digestion, storage of vitamins, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, regulating hormones and blood purification.

 With all the toxins and pollutants in environment, food and water, our liver sometimes become over-burdened and when the liver is overworked, the uptake of oxygen by your body decreases, fat is not processed properly and toxins build up in our body.

 Liver is most hard working organs in the body and being such a vital organ any problem in the liver occurs then our body is proactive to show some initial signs like: –

  1. Pigmentation 2. Premature greying hair

Liver is the store house of IRON so if you are Anemic you need to focus on your liver.

Other important warning signs include chronic fatigue bad breath, Yellowish appearance of skin and eye, Dark yellow urine, Loss of appetite, Swelling legs and other body parts, High triglyceride level, Itchy skin, Allergic of food and skin, Pale or Orangish colour of stool, and tendency to bruise easy so if you not acted on these, This can cause major damage to your body.

So if you have gained the weight or reached a weight loss plateau you might just need to cleanse the liver.

Why our liver gets toxic?

Emotions that effects on our body

Why liver get toxic even though the liver is resilient if it’s get overburden it loses its efficiency.

There is a lot of factors contribute other than AIR and WATER pollution.

Smoking, Binge drinking, Pesticide in food, Overmedication, Uses of Refined oil for cooking, excessive indulgence in preservative laden packaged foods, refined sugary foods, Non veg food, Fatty food, overload the liver basically the more toxins you expose your body to the harder it will be for your liver to detoxify.

Then every time you get angry or irritated your liver have to pay the price its get effected.

As you know Anger is closely related to the health of liver as we know our body detoxifies during deep sleep, compromising on sleep doesn’t give an opportunity to recharge the liver,

How to Detox Your Liver Naturally?

Give your liver a break so it can catch up on its important work, rest, and detoxify itself. Doing a liver cleanse is easy and here’s how:

  • Avoid processed foods, fats, animal proteins, and refined sugars for a few days.
  • Eat healthy, fresh, and a good number of raw fruits and vegetables that help the liver clean itself faster.
  • You can also consume many fresh juices to give your digestive system a short break at the same time.
  • Choose organic food that’s free of pesticides and chemicals.

15 Foods Good for Liver Cleansing and Better Health.

1. Alliums (Garlic, Onions, Leeks)

Some of the foods good for a liver detox are alliums. These liver-cleansing foods contain allium and selenium, both of which help the liver rid itself of internal and environmental toxins and excess fats.They also boost the immune system, helping to clear out bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

2. Apples

One of the best foods for liver health, cleansing, and detoxification is apples.

Apples contain pectin, a fibre that binds to heavy metals in digestion.

This helps remove them from the body during digestion before they even enter the bloodstream so you put less of a load on the liver to do the usual clean-up.

3. Artichokes

Another of the foods good for liver detoxification, artichokes increase the production of bile.

Bile helps digest fats but also flushes toxins, excess fat, and waste from the liver.

4. Avocados

Avocados are one of the foods that cleanse the liver because of their healthy fats and micronutrients. They also help the body produce glutathione, a compound that helps the liver remove heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and toxins produced by stress.

5. Beets

Another of the cleansing foods for the liver are beets. These bright roots are filled with beta carotene and other antioxidants that combat toxins, oxidative stress, and free radicals.

This also contain betaine, which encourages liver cells to release toxins, and pectin, which binds to toxins in the intestines, so the body doesn’t absorb or reabsorb them.

6. Broccoli and Cauliflower

These and other cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage and Brussels sprouts, are good foods for liver cleansing.

They contain compounds that neutralize many toxins. They also contain glucosinolates, which increase the enzyme production in the liver. These liver enzymes then aid in the flushing of carcinogens and toxins.

7. Carrots

Like beets, carrots are liver detox foods rich in antioxidants like beta carotene that mop up many toxins and prevent damage to liver cells.

Liver damage is a serious medical issue due to the type of work the organ does.

When the cells no longer function well, it increases your risk of certain diseases.
For example, it may lead to liver cirrhosis or scarring of the liver. In time, it can progress to liver cancer.

8. Citrus (Grapefruit, Lime, and Lemon)

These are rich sources of vitamin C, making citrus foods good for liver detoxing.
Vitamin C helps the body turn toxins into substances that can be dissolved in water for easy removal.

They also stimulate bile production to flush more toxins and excess fat from the system.

9. Leafy Greens

Greens are packed with a host of nutrients and antioxidants. Chlorophyll lessens the toxic load on the liver by counteracting the toxins during digestion.

The more bitter greens, like dandelion, mustard, endive, rocket, and kale, also increase the production of bile.

Another way to consume these vegetables is to drink Sun warrior’s Super Greens. You can add them to your drinks, make smoothies and juices, or include them in delicious, healthy desserts.

10. Olive Oil

Cold-pressed organic oils, like olive oil, coconut oil, or hempseed oil can help remove toxins that dissolve in fat instead of water. These detoxifying foods should be used in moderation though. They are high in calories and make the liver work harder to use them.

11. Plants and Spices

Turmeric, a spice found in curry, stimulates enzymes in the liver that remove toxins. It lowers cholesterol levels and is also a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes carcinogens and other toxins.

12. Sugarcane juice

Have a glass of fresh sugarcane juice on an empty stomach continuity about 15 days.

No wonder it is recommended by the doctor during jaundice .

The antioxidant in sugarcane juice can protect the liver against infection and maintain the Bilirubin levels .

13. Whole Grains

You can also cleanse your liver with whole grains. These are rich in B vitamins which improve liver function and fat metabolism.

Choose healthy whole grains, soaked, sprouted, or fermented to get the most out of them, like groats and brown rice.

White flour, pasta, rice, and potatoes shouldn’t be eaten when you are cleansing the liver. They are processed and high in sugars without the natural aid of fiber to slow absorption and protect the liver.

High amounts of sugar can impact your blood sugar or glucose. If you have diabetes, sugar can worsen your condition.

Without fibre, your body absorbs sugars and starches faster. They can then spike up your insulin levels.

14. Water

Good, clean water is essential to all body functions. Water is especially important in the removal of wastes from the body.

Water assists the kidneys in removing all toxins the liver has broken down and packaged for them.

It’s always a good idea to support the other organs that detoxify the body, like the kidneys and the skin, with clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fresh juices. Avoid processed juices and sodas.

15. Green Tea

In a study, people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease showed improvement in their levels of liver enzymes when they consumed green tea.

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